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Nov 1907 - Dec 1907(Name changed to Idelia in Jan 1908)

"Idelia" 1907-12. The mahogany Idelia, a glorified Triumph, appeared in five variations between 1907 and 1912. many early models are marked "Ideal" but this was changed in January 1908 due to trademark conflicts. This 2-minute model B, equipped with endgate, originally had a slanted reproducer carriage, but 2/4-minute gearing and a large carriage have been added. The Idelia sold for $125 with an oxidized crane and 11-panel flower horn. Later models(C, D1, D2, E) do not have endgates and are usually found with the optional mahogany "music Master" Cygney horn. Very late models have painted marron bed-plates and carriages.